ECOBAMBOO, an eco-friendly fibre




Sustainable fashion is an ecologically responsible attitude, a responsibility aimed at building a better future for the planet. It is a beautiful and profound expression of human civilisation.

To achieve sustainable fashion, it is important to answer questions about the requirements of sustainable raw materials, feasible technologies, degradable products and the traceability of the industrial chain, all of which form the future trend in the development of the textile industry.

Fibres are thus becoming the key to sustainable fashion. ECOBAMBOO is a new generation of ecological fibre.





Raw materials are sustainable


Bamboo is a precious resource for our planet. The ecological advantages of bamboo are real. The bamboo forest is called the «Kidney of the Earth».

Data shows that one hectare of bamboo can store 306 tonnes of carbon over 60 years. A bamboo forest can release more than 35% of oxygen than a normal forest  per hectare.

According to INBAR’s research, there are about 80 countries with bamboo resources in the world, and about 50 million hectares of bamboo in 39 countries are currently known.

China is the richest country in bamboo resources, with more than 7 million hectares of bamboo forests, and it is also the most developed country in the world in terms of bamboo resource exploitation.

ECOBAMBO fibre is made from bamboo and produced in an environmentally friendly process. Bamboo plants are born in ravines and mountains. They do not compete with cereals for arable land. They do not need fertiliser or watering.

Bamboo reaches full growth in only 2-3 years. When cutting bamboo, it is done respectfully in its forest, which allows for sustainable regrowth. The production of bamboo fibres does not destroy forests, does not take up arable land and does not consume oil. The advantages are obvious.

Ordinary viscose fibres are mainly made from «wood» and «cotton». The growth of the tree is 20 to 30 years. When the wood is cut, the wood is completely cleared. Cotton needs to occupy cultivated land and use large amounts of water, fertiliser, pesticides and labour.






ECOBAMBOO是以竹子为原料,采用环保工艺生产的绿色纤维。竹子生于沟壑,不与粮争田,不用施肥和浇水,2-3 年即可使用,采用间伐的方式,一次种植长久受益。用竹子制作纤维不破坏森林,不占用耕地,不耗费石油,优势明显。



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A more ecological production management


Tanboocel bamboo pulp fibre is a type of regenerated cellulose fibre. Bamboo plants must be crushed to make pulp which is then spun into fibre by the wet process.

ECOBAMBOO fiber has established a sustainable supply chain from raw material to protect forests, species and climate stability.

The bamboo used is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and the Organic Bamboo Forest Management Standard and has been awarded the Canopy Green abel.

All materials used are in accordance with the «T/TZCYLM 1-2020 Bamboo Forest Management» standard.

ECOBAMBOO’s production process focuses on the use of clean energy. The proportion of green electricity and energy used is over 60%. 95% of the water used in production is effectively recycled and has been awarded the Green mark in the LCA evaluation.

During the ECOBAMBOO production process, hazardous chemicals are treated according to the ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) standard.

ECOBAMBOO’s production process meets the highest international standards for sustainable textile production and are certified by STEP by OEKO-TEX and MIG.

ECOBAMBOO products meet the requirements of social responsibility standards and provide environmental safety, having been certified according to SA8000 and OEKO-Tex Standard 100.





所选用的竹材通过森林管理委员会的认证和有机竹林管理标准认证,获得Canopy绿衬衫,符合“T/TZCYLM 1-2020 竹林经营管理”标准。




ECOBAMBOO确保所供应的产品皆符合社会责任标准的要求,提供了产品生态安全的保证,获得了SA8000和OEKO-Tex Standard100认证。


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Traceability of the production chain


ECOBAMBOO products comply with the three Bamboo Union group standards: «Bamboo Forest Management», «Requirements for the traceability of regenerated cellulose fibers» and «Regenerated cellulose fibers – Staple fibers, filaments and their identification».

ECOBAMBOO products are BSC certified, with worldwide testing, full life cycle management and traceability of the entire industrial chain, providing consumers with a solid protection system.

ECOBAMBOO has a digital system to ensure the traceability of the chain of production. Each garment with an ECOBAMBOO label has an individual QR code that can be scanned to show the entire process of the product, from the bamboo forest to the finished garment, providing transparency in the chain for both the consumer and the brand.









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Green consumption


ECOBAMBOO can be used in home textiles, fashion clothing, cleaning and hygiene products and other applications.

The resulting garments are comfortable and soft to wear, moisture wicking and breathable, and have antibacterial properties that make them highly desirable.

ECOBAMBOO fiber is a pure natural cellulose fibre, fully naturally degradable and environmental friendly, with a natural degradation rate of over 98% in three months.

Used textiles are disposed of through recycling, degradation and energy production and are environmental friendly.






天竹纤维是纯的天然纤维素纤维, 完全可自然降解,对环境无害,三个月自然降解率达到98%以上。



ECOBAMBOO, une fibre écologique 1


In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


The ECOBAMBOO product concept meets the requirements of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

  • The efficient use of bamboo resources creates income for farmers and eradicates poverty.
  • Using bamboo instead of cotton saves arable land, ensures food security and contributes to the eradication of hunger.
  • Replacing wood with bamboo reduces deforestation and protects terrestrial ecosystems and sustainable forest management.
  • Make bamboo instead of plastic, reduce fossil fuel consumption, reduce non-degradable waste and protect the environment.





– 有效开发竹资源,推动农民增收,促进消除贫困。

– 实现以竹代棉,节约耕地,保障粮食安全,促进消除饥饿。

– 实现以竹代木,减少森林砍伐,保护陆地生态系统和可持续森林管理。

– 实现以竹代塑,减少化石能源消耗,减少不可降解垃圾,保护环境。


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